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Showing posts from April, 2018

William Mooney: Review

The guest speaker that I would like to follow up on was William Mooney.  Professor Mooney also happened to be the speaker that my team and I introduced. I promise I am not being biased at all. William Mooney is basically the king of finance. This is his LinkedIn page in case you'd like to find out for yourself. Personally I have always been a fan of the marketing side of business. Finance never came easy to me, but trying to sell something to someone. I loved that. When Professor Mooney came in I had a fingertip on the world of finance. I knew it exists but I did not want anything to do with it. Professor Mooney came in and started speaking about how no matter what you do finance is important. He explained that it did not matter what our majors were it is important because it is about investment. Time is and investment. How were we going to spend our time? This peaked my interest immensely. He just related something I hate to my life. I

Managing the Business of a Social Service Non-Profit- Review

On Friday April 13th I attended and event put on by Chatham's Center for Women's Entrepreneurship. The title for the event was "Managing the Business of a Social Service Non-Profit" and it was by Kathi R. Elliot. LinkedIn Profile:  Obviously the focus for this event was on to how to run and manage a business of a social service non-profit. One of the biggest things I took from the event was the fact of how much you really want to help others in order to run a non-profit social service business. In relation to what we have learned in the book we know that a non-profit business does not make money through services. They don't charge for what they do. Social services are created to help people to the best of their ability and they can be quite costly at times. I thought to have a non-profit social services business just seemed crazy.  Kathi's non-profit focused on helping young women work on trying to make

Business Plan

Mission Statement: We provide the best comedy in order to bring a smile to your face. Business Environment: Ryan Greggs Inc. competes in the entertainment industry. The entertainment industry is very competitive. The top dogs of the entertainment industry consist of film entertainment, music, book publishing, and video games. Professional athletics are also among the top components of the entertainment industry. People are always wanting to be entertained wether through TV, books, sporting events, or music. People need entertainment and are willing to spend money in order to acquire it. At Ryan Greggs Inc. we do our best to entertain our customers at a low price. People are paying hundreds of dollars to receive entertainment. Our low prices give people the opportunity to be entertained without emptying their pockets. Entrepreneurship and Strategy One of the biggest challenges we face when trying to promote our company is the vast amount of entertainment businesses that exist.

Interview with Matt Zanella

I interviewed a man by the name of Matt Zanella. He is an upcoming senior accounting major. We discussed his interests, any clubs he's been apart of, and some advice in terms of portfolios and studying. To start Mr. Zanella told me that he wants to become an auditor in the future and that is why he has been very interested in accounting and business. When it came to studying he told me to make sure I learn material as it is being taught. When I do that I will retain more of what was taught. He also said to not cram. Cramming only causes stress and does not help in anyway. You may learn the stuff for the test, but you won't remember it later. The advice he gave me for building a portfolio consisted of what looks good on one. The two pieces of advice he gave me were to make sure I volunteer a lot because it looks very good! Also, he told me to try and get a leadership of some type because that also looks very good! I then read articles from