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Interview with Matt Zanella

I interviewed a man by the name of Matt Zanella. He is an upcoming senior accounting major. We discussed his interests, any clubs he's been apart of, and some advice in terms of portfolios and studying.
To start Mr. Zanella told me that he wants to become an auditor in the future and that is why he has been very interested in accounting and business. When it came to studying he told me to make sure I learn material as it is being taught. When I do that I will retain more of what was taught. He also said to not cram. Cramming only causes stress and does not help in anyway. You may learn the stuff for the test, but you won't remember it later. The advice he gave me for building a portfolio consisted of what looks good on one. The two pieces of advice he gave me were to make sure I volunteer a lot because it looks very good! Also, he told me to try and get a leadership of some type because that also looks very good!
I then read articles from where I compared and contrasted what I read there and what I took form my interview. The biggest thing I took from them was that the interview was much more personable. The article on the other hand was more based to help everyone while my interview was more directed to help me.


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